Monday, 7 April 2008


Last Wednesday, Fintan had his eyes examined at The Royal London. As usual, this was done under general anaesthetic, which Fintan coped with very well. The new small tumours which were detected on his right eye at his last check-up have responded well to the cryotherapy and this treatment was repeated again. The original tumours still remain stable and there were no new tumours observed.

Fintan has to return to the Royal London in 4 weeks for another check-up and possibly some more cryotherapy. We are also trying to arrange for Fintan to have an eye test at his next appointment; we think his vision has improved greatly since diagnosis and it would be wonderful if this could be confirmed by 'experts'.

Fintan is still full of beans and we are struggling to keep up with him. He likes to follow his brothers around the house, even though they usually ignore him, as long as Fintan is in the same room as them he is happy! He also thinks it is great fun to chase the cat, corner her by a stair gate and grab a big clump of her fur! Talking of hair, Fintan's bald patch at the back of his head is beginning to grow back slowly, but I'm sure is still looks a bit odd to strangers!