As part of a campaign to raise awareness of retinoblastoma, a slide which shows a photo of Fintan depicted on a Motorola Q mobile phone, has been showing on TVs situated at tea and break points, reception areas and boardrooms in Motorola offices worldwide. The image clearly shows him with a white eye reflection and by it the words "Red eye is not the problem, white eye could be".
The campaign came about after I decided to email the CEO of Motorola (if you weren't aware, I work for Motorola) explaining Fintan's situation and asking if there was anything we could do to reach out to the 72,000 staff at the company to bring to their attention the signs of eye cancer.
Well it seems that my unsolicited email and cheek has paid off! A big thank you to Motorola and everyone who helped make this happen.
Below is an image of slide and a photo of me stood next to a Moto TV at our office in Basingstoke.
Also, earlier this month a friend of ours, Helen Sheppard, ran the Race For Life with the words "I race for life for Fintan (11 months), Eye Cancer" on her back.
Helen raised money for Cancer Research UK through sponsorship and no doubt made a few people aware that children can get eye cancer.
We are really very grateful to Helen for doing this, and as a small sign of our gratitude, here is a couple of photos of her on the day!!!
If anyone would like to know more about raising awareness of Rb, whether it be in the UK or not, please don't hesitate to email me or Fiona, or contact CHECT through their website at It can be a simple as sticking a poster up on your work notice board, everything helps.
If you have already been telling people about the condition, let me know and I'll put a bit about it on this blog.