Last Wednesday, Fintan was at The Royal London Hospital for another examination under anaesthetic and for a second application of cryotherapy to his right eye. However, after examining his eyes, Mr Hungerford decided not to apply any more cryotherapy as both eyes appeared stable. His right eye, with the troublesome vitreous basing, showed no signs of suspicious activity since his last examination and there was nothing new to report in his left eye. Not only this, they have also said that they do not want to see him for another eight weeks. Naturally we were very happy about this, but also a little scared. Having been at the hospital every 3 or 4 weeks for some months now, although tiring, it's been reassuring. It will be good to have a little break from our London visits over the summer holidays!
The Genetics Department have also delivered some more positive news. They have found the faulty Retinoblastoma gene in Fintan's blood and it cannot be found in either Fiona or myself, therefore, confirming that, although Fintan has the hereditary form of Retinoblastoma, it started in him. Barnaby had already been ruled out as a carrier from previous tests and it would be very unusual if Archie was a carrier, but we intend to have his blood tested shortly just to confirm he is clear.
We are back at the Royal London in early September, in the meantime here are some recent pictures.