Friday, 31 October 2008

Photos from Wednesday

Fintan enjoys exploring the ward...again!

Barnaby tries to explain to one of the artists what a Clone Trooper is!

Archie and Barnaby creating their masterpieces.

Barnaby's work

Archie's two part piece!

Thursday, 30 October 2008

Bad News

We returned to the Royal London yesterday and Fintan had his EUA (examination under anaesthetic) with the intention of having his second application of cryotherapy, however, things have taken a turn for the worse and Fintan now has new tumour growths in both eyes. Chemotherapy and cryotherapy will no longer be effective in treating these new fast growing tumours and Mr Hungerford has informed us radiotherapy is the next step. Of course, we are absolutely devastated, but we have to do everything we can to try to save Fintan's eyes.

Details are a little hazy at the moment, but are trying to arrange an initial 'measuring up' appointment at Moorfields Eye Hospital in the next few days, then a consultation with the radiotherapy specialist and within 7-10 days we should start a month long radiotherapy course at St Bartholomews, London (Barts). This will be daily treatment (5 days on / 1 day off) and Fintan will have to have a general anaesthetic each time. The application of radiotherapy does not take long and hopefully we will not have to spend much more than half a day at the hospital and we can come home each day.

It is going to be a very tough month for everyone, but of course especially for Fintan who has been so brave throughout all this. He is such a happy, carefree boy and even when we were being given the bad news last night, he put a smile on our faces by playing 'peek-a-boo' around the door!

We will try to keep the Blog as up-to-date as possible.
Before we were given the bad news yesterday, the day had actually been quite fun. As it is half term we had taken Archie and Barnaby with us. A group of artists have been carrying out a project with the children at the hospital involving the children on the wards creating a message to send to other children on different wards, in the hope of getting an "Artistic response". Archie, Barnaby and Fintan (with a little help from Daddy), had great fun producing their masterpieces. There are some photos, I shall add them later today...

Friday, 24 October 2008


Unfortunately, due to problems with the Cryotherapy machine at the Royal London, Fintan is yet to have his second application of cryotherapy.  We were due to visit the Hospital on Wednesday 15th, but the Cryotherapy machine was not working so our visit was postponed to Wednesday of this week.  We knew it would be a long day, as there was obviously a backlog of patients and 2 surgical procedures before EUAs (examinations under anaesthetic) would start, however, at about 4.00pm the Specialist Retinoblastoma Nurse apprehensively informed us the Cryotherapy machine had failed again and Fintan would not be having his treatment that day.   Fortunately, Fintan had not yet been anaesthetised!  

Although, rather frustrating for us - having made the journey - and the worry of having to delay treatment for another week, it was probably for the best anyway; Fintan has not been well this week and is on antibiotics for a nasty willy infection!  It looks like the poor boy needs a circumcision  - another uncomfortable procedure for him to endure.  

We should be back at the Royal London next Wednesday (assuming the machine is repaired), if not, Mr Hungerford runs a clinic at Moorfields Eye Hospital who also have a Cryotherapy machine and Fintan could be treated there.

Until next week!

Wednesday, 1 October 2008

Another Update

On Wednesday last week (24th) we were back at the Royal London Hospital with Fintan. You may well have noticed that we didn't quite make the 8 weeks between appointments we were hoping for again. As with last time, we noticed that the squinting of Fintan's eyes seemed to have worsened. Fintan also started shaking his head, as if he were trying to clear his vision. We contacted the hospital and they felt that it would be best if they saw him early just to be safe.

As it happens, Fintan did again have some further treatment, some more cryotherapy to his right eye.

The day was a bit shorter than normal as the list was much shorter than expected after someone failed to turn up for an operation! Fintan also enjoyed showing off his new walking skills to the nurses.

We will be taking Fintan back to the hospital on the 15th for the second application of cryotherapy to the area treated this time.

Archie and Barnaby show off their new matching school uniforms!

I know it's been raining a lot recently, but Fintan's Ark is perhaps a slight exaggeration!

Fintan sleeps off the anaesthetic.

If one CAN climb into it, one SHOULD climb into it!