Thursday, 30 April 2009

Radioactive Plaque

We were back at the Royal London yesterday for Fintan's EUA (examination under anaesthetic); Mr Hungerford has been closely watching a suspicious area in his right eye and has decided that this area is changing and needs some more treatment.

Fintan will have a Radioactive Plaque inserted into his right eye - a small disc containing radioactive material which will be stitched to the outer surface of the eye.  This will remain in place for a couple of days, during which time he will have to remain in isolation.  It will then be removed, again under anaesthetic, and he will be safe to come home!  

The plaque will be inserted next Wednesday and he should be back home some time over the weekend.  James will probably stay with Fintan for this treatment - I think I have done more than my fair share of hospital stays in the past and I have the pleasure of taking Fintan to Wycombe Hospital for his circumcision in a couple of weeks!!  May will not be a good month for poor Fintan!

News of this treatment was no surprise and we are almost relieved that it is starting - hopefully this will sort out the problem in this eye and we can start looking forward to having longer gaps between Fintan's check-ups.

As always, Fintan was a star yesterday - a little grumpy at times, but post anaesthetic a much anticipated bag of crisps did the magic trick and put a smile back on his face!

Play time!

Even the pretend food is tempting when you are this hungry!

A little pre-op rest

Some well deserved crips...mmmm

Sunday, 12 April 2009


After a glorious, long weekend on Wembworthy Down Farm in Devon, myself and Fintan returned home for a check up at the Royal London on Wednesday.  

Fintan seemed much happier on arrival at the hospital than our last visit and was straight out of the pram and off to play - possibly due to the novelty of having his Auntie Esther keeping us company on this trip (now that Esther knows what the day involves, I am sure it will take a large sum of money before she agrees to join us again!!)

It was a short list, with only 4 patients, but the day was as long as always!  Mr Hungerford examined Fintan's eyes and compared photographs from the last check up, but he still could not be sure about the suspicious area and wants to see Fintan again in 3 weeks.  He does not want to treat the suspect area unless necessary, as the vision in this area could be affected.  On a good note, it had previously been thought that the suspicious area was in his left eye, which is his better eye visually, but it is actually his right eye.

Fintan was not great when he came round from the anaesthetic - it seems to affect him more as he gets older - but a packet of crisps did the trick in the end!

We are back at the Royal London on Wednesday 29th April and we'll update you then.  As the camera was in Devon with the boys, no photos from the hospital, but here are a few from our break!

Fintan and his Merry Men!


Friday, 3 April 2009


Fintan 's check up at the Royal London, due this week, has had to be postponed (with the protests in London on Wednesday, it was possibly a good thing!!)

Although a little inconvenient, Fintan will be at the Royal London next Wednesday (8 April).  We are off to Devon this afternoon for a well earned Easter break - myself and Fintan will have to come back early, but James and the boys will stay until Friday.  It was a difficult situation to be in, as we didn't want to delay Fintan's check up any longer and also didn't want to deny the boys the chance to be farmers for the week!  Archie is beside himself with excitement at the prospect of seeing 'Farmer William' again and possibly witnessing the birth of a lamb or two - as always Barnaby is just beside himself!! 

Until next week ....