Sunday, 25 October 2009


On Wednesday Fintan was back at Great Ormond Street Hospital for another attempt to administer intra arterial chemo.

It was a slightly frustrating start to the day as there was no bed available for Fintan and he and I had to spend a couple of hours in the playroom. I have to confess I was getting a little anxious as I was told that he would not be able to have the treatment if a bed could not be found. Fiona had a hospital appointment herself in the morning so joined Fintan and me just after lunch and thankfully a bed was found on the cardio ward just before she arrived.

Fintan went down to theatre at about 1.30pm and we were able to chat with Dr Brew just before the procedure; as they were planning a slightly different technique which involved inflating a balloon in the artery should the usual process fail again, we had a few questions as this new technique was slightly more risky.

After a couple of hours in theatre it was good news, they managed to administer the chemo and without resorting to the riskier technique.

Fintan was fairly out of it for a couple of hours after the surgery, he also had a bit of a disturbed night with sickness. However, the following morning he was up early eating and drinking so we were able to head home in time for lunch.

Fintan will be back at the Royal London on 11th November to see how his eye is responding and by that time he will be able to show off his new little brother or sister to the team.

Sunday, 11 October 2009

Second Dose

Fintan was back at Great Ormond Street Hospital last Wednesday for his second dose of Intra Arterial Chemotherapy; however, the treatment had to be aborted again.

The day didn't start too well; before Fintan went down to theatre we were informed that he had suffered an allergic reaction whilst under the anaesthetic last time he had this procedure (an anaphylactic reaction possibly to the dye used to show up the arterial system), but he would be very closely monitored this time. Of course, this only added to our worries.

Unfortunately, Dr Brew was unable to thread the fine cathether round the right angle into the ophthalmic artery again and the procedure had to be aborted. Fintan also had another reaction under the anesthetic, although not as bad this time as he had been given an anti-histamine (Piriton). He was very groggy and took a long time to come round from the anaesthetic, refusing liquid and food for several hours - very unlike Fintan who usually demands milk and crisps immediately on waking!

Fintan remained lethargic well into the evening and was becoming dehydrated, so was given IV fluids but did manage some milk and a little food. After a disturbed night's sleep he was allowed home on Thursday morning.

He will be back at Great Ormond Street on 21st October for another attempt to administer the chemotherapy; it has been decided that if they run into trouble inserting the cathether again, they will use a 'balloon' method to assist guiding the catheter around the right angle which is proving so troublesome. Hopefully, we will have a little more success next time.

"No like this dress!"

Sunday, 4 October 2009

Examination Results

Just a quick update to let you all know how Fintan got on at the Royal London last Wednesday.

He had an EUA to see if the chemotherapy has had any effect on the troublesome tumours. Fintan was not seen by his regular consultant, Mr Hungerford, as he is on holiday prior to retiring at the end of the month, however he was seen by another of the Rb specialists, Mr Reddy. Mr Reddy decided that Fintan should have the next course of chemotherapy. He explained that it was somewhat difficult to see exactly how the tumours had responded because the eyes were a bit cloudy due to some bleeding (a side effect of all the treatment Fintan has had to date), but he was confident that there has been some improvement.

The second dose of chemo will be administered next Wednesday at Great Ormond Street using the same intra arterial procedure as before.

Crisps make everything better!