Apologies for not updating the blog after Fintan's visit on 3rd February; there was not much to report as the cryotherapy appeared to have worked and his eyes seemed stable. An 8 week gap was suggested, we agreed on 6 weeks, but due to the Royal London rescheduling and then Fintan being unwell we ended up returning last Wednesday 31st March - 8 weeks after his last appointment! We did not manage to arrange an appointment with Mr Hungerford before his February check up at the Royal London and as his left eye seemed to have stabilised we decided to put this on hold.
Unfortunately, his EUA (examination under anaesthetic) last week showed activity in his left eye again. The haemorrhaging in this eye has considerably reduced giving a clearer view of the eye and we have been informed the activity is a recurrence and more cryotherapy applied, but we have our doubts that the previous cryotherapy may not have been as successful as thought. The plan is for Fintan to have another EUA in 4 weeks (28th April) and if the active area has not responded to the cryotherapy to consider further treatment - possibly a radioactive plaque.
We are going to arrange for Fintan to be seen by Mr Hungerford, as we would really value his opinion. This may mean he has to undergo two examinations under anaesthetic in a short space of time, but Fintan's left eye is his best visually and we have to do everything we can to retain as much vision in this eye.
On a more positive note, Fintan is wearing his full strength glasses (all the time!) and they really seem to help. About 4 weeks ago Fintan started Pre-school and he is loving it - on his first day I was expecting to stay with him for an hour or so, but after about 20 minutes he politely asked me to leave! The loft conversion is complete, the builders and scaffolding gone and it is now just a case of clearing up, getting the carpets laid and a little decorating!
Until next month....
Post anaesthetic cake!
Fintan ruling the roost at home!