Saturday, 17 July 2010

Quick Update

We were back at the Royal London on Wednesday (14 July) for Fintan's EUA. He had a second application of cryotherapy to the new area of relapse and the older area of relapse was observed. As there is considerable haemorraghing in the eye due to the cryotherapy it is obscuring possible activity, but Fintan's consultant did not see anything obvious. We are back in 4 weeks (11 August) and hopefully will have a better idea of what is going on then. His left eye remains stable.

We recently had Fintan registered as partially sighted, but we are now in the process of 'upgrading' this to severely partially sighted. The Specialist Teaching Service, who will be supporting Fintan throughout his educational years, can devote more time to him if he is registered severely partially sighted. They are also starting the process of Fintan's Statement of Educational Needs as he is due to start school in September 2011.

Until next month ......

Oliver mastering the bed controls!
