Thursday, 14 October 2010

Quick Update

Just found out Fintan's plaque has to remain in place for 3 days 15 hours! He will have it put in on Wednesday (27th) afternoon and removed Sunday (31st) morning. Unfortunately, we will have to move Oliver's birthday celebration to the following week (Sun 7 Nov), but he won't know any different and poor Fintan needs a little time to recover!! Until then....

Friday, 8 October 2010

A Little Step Back

Fintan was back at the Royal London on Wednesday (6 Oct) for an EUA; the news was not so good this time.

The bleed in his right eye is still obscuring the tumours and it is difficult for the consultants to be sure whether they are active or not, so they will continue to monitor this eye. Unfortunately, his left eye now needs some treatment. An area that has previously been treated with cryotherapy has become active again - it appears to be quite slow growing but the change in size of the tumour is now more obvious.

Fintan will have radioactive plaque treatment in about 3 weeks. The plaque will be attached to his left eye under anaesthetic and stay in place for 2/3 days. The eye will be patched over and he will have to remain in isolation until the plaque is removed. Fintan had a plaque in his right eye about 18 months ago and coped really well, but we are not so sure he will find it as easy this time. Being older he is far more aware of what is happening and with the vision in his right eye greatly reduced due to the bleed and his 'good' eye patched up, it will be harder to keep him occupied (James will have the pleasure of staying at the hospital with him!)

Oliver's 1st Birthday is on 29 October, so hopefully Fintan will be fighting fit by Sunday 31st for a Halloween themed celebration!

Beep Beep!

Mmmm - post anaesthetic crisps!