Saturday, 24 March 2012

Wait and Watch

Fintan returned to the Royal London on Wednesday (21 March) for his EUA and second application of cryotherapy. Unfortunately, it is still not obvious whether the treatment was successful and it has been decided to have his next EUA in 6 weeks; as the area they are currently looking at is so small this timescale would allow any tumour activity that may occur to make itself more evident. Should he need anymore treatment it would most likely be a radioactive plaque.

Wacky Races again!

However, Fintan remains fit and well and his energy levels exceed all other family members! He was incredibly good having his anaesthetic this time - we had reverted back to the face mask to administer his gas following the disastrous attempt last time to use a cannula in the back of his hand. Fintan stated he was "not going to cry and be very brave" and kept repeating this to the amusement of the anaesthetic team - he was very calm going to sleep and when he came round from his anaesthetic he was also much calmer and in a better mood!

Post anaesthetic grub!

Since our last visit to the Royal London, we have all been on Fintan's special Make-A-Wish trip to DisneyWorld Florida and had an absolutely fantastic time! We are all hoping to make a return visit some time in the future.

Barnaby also celebrated his 8th Birthday on Thursday and we are looking forward to his party tomorrow afternoon!

Thursday, 1 March 2012

Disappointing News

After a very long 12 week gap, we were back at the Royal London Hospital yesterday (Wed 29 Feb) and unfortunately Fintan's EUA brought us disappointing news. His left 'good' eye was showing signs of activity; a seed that has been drifting around for some time had settled on the retina and become active. It was treated with some cryotherapy and we return in 3 weeks for another EUA and second application of cryotherapy. Fintan's consultant reassured us that we shouldn't be too concerned, as the activity was in an easily accessible area for treatment and it is not like any of his major previous relapses.

Despite having had my suspicions that something was not quite right with his eye, the news was still quite a blow to us and very disappointing. On a more positive note, his vision test prior to treatment showed that his sight was stable and no change since his last test.

Pre-treatment fun!

The Royal London Hospital has now started moving into its new building and we had the pleasure of being treated in the new Children's Hospital Day Care Ward - very spacious and clean, but a nightmare to find your way around with numerous "security" lifts that only stop at certain floors! Although the morning and afternoon lists had been quite short, there was quite a lot of delays. Fintan had agreed to have his anaesthetic administered via a cannula in his hand inserted whilst awake rather than using the face mask that he hates, however, I don't think we will try this again for a while - not very successful! Fintan was very groggy when he came round from his anaesthetic and the pain from the cryotherapy makes him very nauseous so he was not a happy boy! A dose of anti-sickness medicine and something to eat and drink soon got him back to normal and we finally left the ward at 8.00pm.

Post-anaesthetic strop!

We were meant to be going on Fintan's "Make a Wish" trip to Disneyland Florida over the February 1/2 term holiday, but this was postponed due to Fintan and Oliver contracting chicken pox. However, we are now jetting off on Saturday for a week of sunshine and Mickey and hoping this will take our mind off Fintan's little set back!