Waiting for the call from theatre
Fintan went down to theatre at about 10.30am and returned to the ward about 1.00pm. The melphalan was administered successfully although he did have a slight 'reaction' whilst under anaesthetic, but it was not unexpected and his condition was stabilised very quickly. His groin incision didn't cause any problems this time and he was able to sleep off his anaesthetic undisturbed for an hour or so.
James and Oliver (who the ward kindly let visit despite a general rule of no siblings) had to leave mid-afternoon to get home for the older boys, with the hope that Fintan and myself would follow a couple of hours later! However, his urine was showing traces of glucose and a subsequent blood test showed a high blood sugar level - caused by the large dose of steroids given during anaesthesia; we would be staying the night again!
Fintan took the news in his stride and promptly asked if we could go to the canteen for some dinner, but then the doctor came to see him and by the time we got down to the canteen at 7.45pm it had closed - I think Fintan was more upset about this than having to stay the night! Dinner was a bowl of Rice Krispies for Fintan and a bar of chocolate from the vending machine for me!
Blood sugar levels had dropped significantly by morning and despite being a little sick and an upset tummy (probably from being starved and all the medicines) he was allowed home mid-morning.
Captain Buckleboots!
As soon as we got home, Fintan was asking to go to school as it was World Book Day and he wanted to dress up, so after lunch he was duly delivered to his classroom dressed as Captain Buckleboots!
Fintan woke up early on the Friday morning in distress because his eye was hurting and he was struggling to open it - the swelling that he so far had managed to avoid was well and truly in evidence. A couple of hours later his eye was opening enough to enable him to see and he went off to school looking like he had gone a couple of rounds in the boxing ring. I called into school late morning to check all was well and found him roaring around the playground, pink with exertion and full of beans - the steroids he is on seem to make him a little lively!!
I am monitoring Fintan's blood sugar levels for a few days and he is due a full blood test next week, then he returns to the Royal London Hospital on 3 April for an EUA to see how well the tumour has responded. If necessary he will receive a third dose of melphalan, but we are hoping this will not be required.