Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Positive News

It is two weeks to the day since Fintan's enucleation and he has amazed everyone with the way he has adapted to losing his sight and his ability to continue smiling!  He returned to school Tuesday of last week (30th April) and managed 3 days until 1.00pm and Friday until 2.00pm.  He went straight into learning braille and has exceeded all expectations in his first week; he is totally included in all normal lessons and is interacting well in class sessions - his teacher is delighted, as are myself and James, at how well these early days have gone.  It is exhausting for everyone, as we all have an awful lot to learn, but before long I am sure it will be second nature.

Following the glorious bank holiday weekend, which Fintan spent most of his time on the trampoline or playing in the garden, he managed a full day at school yesterday and we hope this will continue from now on.

We returned to the Royal London Hospital today for a follow-up meeting with Fintan's consultant who is very happy with how his eye socket is healing.  We also received the results of the tests carried out on his enucleated eye and are very pleased to report that the tumours had not spread beyond the eye globe and therefore no chemotherapy would be necessary - a great relief to us all.

Fintan has an appointment with Moorfields Eye Hospital Prosthetics Department on 20 May and will see his oncologist, Dr Kingston, at Great Ormond Street in a few weeks, but does not return to the Royal London Hospital for 4 months!  Fintan was initially pleased with this news and that he would no longer require "smelly sleeps" (anaesthesia) for eye checks, but the realisation that he would not see members of the retinoblastoma team that have become so familiar to him as often put a little pout on his face!

We were all very emotional leaving the hospital today and Fintan had lots of hugs for the nurses and Rb team; we are going to be a little lost without our constant trips to the hospital, but will be kept very busy adapting to Fintan's new way of life.

Busy at work

Nothing stops Fintan enjoying himself!

Fintan's new workstation - the novelty has worn off a little and the brailler is in danger of collecting dust!