Thursday, 22 January 2009

Good News!

Fintan was back at the Royal London yesterday for his EUA (examination under anaesthetic) following his treatment last month and we are pleased to report that the Radiotherapy appears to have been very successful!

All the tumours are inactive, some of the smaller ones have completely disappeared and any suspicious areas are no longer suspicious.  We are absolutely delighted with this news and feeling far more positive about Fintan retaining his sight.  

Fintan will continue having his eyes checked regularly as he could still develop new tumours, but as he is gets older the risk reduces (by the age of 2 years 9 months he only has a 1% chance of developing new tumours).  We do not have to go back to the Royal London until late March; 8 weeks seems a very long time when Fintan has been having his eyes checked every 3/4 weeks, but if we have any concerns we can bring the appointment forward.

No photo opportunities at the Hospital yesterday, but here are some pictures anyway to brighten up the screen!!


Lucy said...

Hi Fiona
So sorry to read of everything you have all been through but delighted to read Fintans lastest news.
I hope that you enjoy returning to a bit of normality over the next 8 weeks.

All my love
Lucy McCabe (Evans) xx

BEE said...

Hi to all, this is menas friend brenda from pleased you have some good news...fingers crossed that it may continue.
Put me down for £10 for James marathon. Will give the money to Mena, happy running!!