Tuesday, 1 June 2010

Looking Better!

Fintan was back at the Royal London last Wednesday (26 May) for his 2nd application of cryotherapy to his right eye and EUA. His right eye appears to have responded to the treatment and his left eye is stable.

Mr Sagoo (Mr Hungerford's replacement who works alongside Mr Reddy) reassured us that Fintan is doing really well and that although there is still haemorrhaging in both eyes it is a sign that the tumours are shrinking back. Both eyes need to be monitored closely for a while as there has been a lot of recent activity so we are due back in 4 weeks (23 June) for a check up.

We are feeling a little more optimistic - at least the talk of a radioactive plaque has stopped (for the moment!)

There is much excitement amongst the boys as Fintan has been granted a "Wish" by the Rays of Sunshine charity and Disneyland Florida has been mentioned. Ask Fintan what he wants to do and his response is "Go to America on an airplane dressed as a King"! However, this holiday would not happen until Fintan is nearer to 5 years, so the boys have a little while to wait!

Until next month..


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