Monday, 9 May 2011

Unscheduled Hospital Visit No.2 !

Fintan was admitted to Stoke Mandeville Hospital in the early hours of Bank Holiday Monday (2nd May) suffering another febrile neutropenic episode. Having had a runny nose and slight cough over the weekend his temperature reached the 'straight to hospital' criteria at about 3.3oam! Fintan was not in the least bit bothered by the prospect of spending 2/3 days in hospital and excitedly packed his bags - I was not quite so enthusiastic!

Blood cultures were taken, IV antibiotics started and then we just had to sit it out - at least 48 hours for blood culture results - with no TV and Fintan not allowed in the playroom. Thanks to everyone who helped out with the boys at home and our much appreciated visitors to the hospital.

Fintan was much brighter by Wednesday morning and allowed home that afternoon.

Although Fintan was still neutropenic (at higher risk of picking up infections) we allowed him to attend the much anticipated 'Absolution Charity Gig' on Saturday. Fintan has been beside himself with excitement about this gig - not at the prospect of seeing his daddy pretending to be a rock star, but because his hospital girlfriends and GM (aka Egem, Jim, MG!) were going to be there - he was not disappointed and had a fantastic time!

Lots of money was raised for the Childhood Eye Cancer Trust and Motor Neurone Disease Association; thanks for everyone's amazing support and generosity.

We are back at the Royal London Hospital on Wednesday 11th for an EUA (or smelly sleep as Fintan calls it) and then GOSH Thursday through to Saturday for his last cycle of chemotherapy.

Fintan 'rocking'

'Absolution' - hate to admit it but they did sound quite good!

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