Wednesday, 10 October 2012


Fintan was back at the Royal London Hospital last Wednesday (3rd October) for an EUA, following a very long 3 month gap since his last visit.  Unfortunately, another 'seed' has been seen in his left eye and, although it has not settled and obtained a blood supply, it needs to be watched very closely.  We return in 4 weeks (31st October) for another EUA to see whether there are any further changes in this eye and to start treatment if necessary; hopefully this would only require some cryotherapy (freeze) treatment.

On a more positive note, despite recurrent infections in his right artificial eye, the socket looks healthy and there are no concerns with this eye.  Also, an eye test showed that Fintan's vision remains stable (and that mummy needs to get her eyes tested!!)

Fintan has asked us a lot more questions about his eyes following this visit; suggesting that they take out his eye, let the seed fly away and then put his eye back - if only it were that simple!  He has obviously reached an age where he is not quite so accepting of the situation and wants to know why.  However, he is still happy and full of excitement as he has just had his school laptop delivered and is learning to touch type!

No pictures from the hospital this time, but a couple taken from the CHECT 25th Anniversary Weekend in Northampton 5-7 October - which was enjoyed by all!

'School of Rock'
Pirate Fun!

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