Wednesday 2 March 2011

Another Course of Chemotherapy

Fintan was back at the Royal London today for a check on his enucleated eye. All the swelling and bruising has gone down, there are no signs of infection and the consultant was pleased with how the eye has healed. Fintan even allowed Tara (play specialist) to remove his temporary blue conformer and replace it with a brown one; he didn't make any fuss at all and it does look a lot better!

However, the visit was not all good news. Unfortunately, tests on the enucleated eye show that the tumour activity had been very aggressive and that the tumour had penetrated the layer of eye beyond the retina. Fintan will now need a precautionary 2nd line course of chemotherapy in case any cancer cells have spread beyond the eye. This chemo will be 4 cycles 3 weeks apart, stronger than his original chemo and he will have to stay in hospital for 2/3 days for each cycle.

Fintan has shown amazing resilience so far in all the treatments he has undergone and although he will have a tough few months, we are sure he will come bouncing back!

We have decided that he will have his treatment at Great Ormond Street Hospital, which will include visits from his favourite members of the Retinoblastoma team - Laura and Tara! Treatment should start next week.

Showing off his (nearly) matching eyes!!

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