Monday 28 March 2011

Unscheduled Hospital Visit No.1 !

Having been neutropenic (when the body's ability to fight bacterial infection is greatly reduced) for much of last week, Fintan developed a temperature on Friday and had to be admitted to Stoke Mandeville Hospital. Blood cultures were taken and Fintan put on strong antibiotics for at least 48 hours whilst we waited for the results. Fintan was brighter by Sunday morning and was even allowed home for a few hours in the afternoon, but had to return to Stoke Sunday evening (with a little less hair - it was falling out in clumps and getting everywhere so James gave him a hair cut!)

The blood culture results came back clear this morning which meant the antibiotics could stop and Fintan was allowed home, however, not before waiting several hours for medicines to come up from pharmacy (it's the same in every hospital!!)

Fintan is due at the Royal London on Wednesday for an EUA on his left eye, but we have to wait to see if his blood count improves enough. He is then due to have his 2nd cycle of chemotherapy at GOSH on Thursday, again only if his blood count has improved further!

If we also consider Barnaby's sickness bug following his birthday and the flat tyre I had on the way to Stoke Mandeville on Friday, last week was not a good one! Thanks again to Neil, Tom and Elspeth for getting the car mobile again and Esther and Tessa for looking after the boys over the weekend.

Fintan seems to quite like his new hair cut and happy to show it off to everyone!

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