Friday 16 November 2007

First Dose Of Chemotherapy: Part II

On Wednesday, Fintan had his first dose of chemo, it was administered via a drip into his newly fitted line over 5 hours or so. As usual, he was great, just played, slept, ate, pooed and peed all day. There is a short video of him playing under his play-mat whilst getting his drugs; you can just about see the drip in the back ground.

You may have noticed a yellow "TOXIC" label on the drip. Apparently this is no exaggeration as we have been supplied with a box of surgical gloves to wear when changing his nappy! I always thought his dirty nappies were hazardous, but didn't think they would ever burn my skin!

Fintan has reacted fairly well to the chemo. He was a little groggy yesterday, but today he was a bit sick too. We think that the anti-sickness medicine they gave him at the hospital has worn off, and he doesn't like the stuff they gave us to give him, he has to take it orally and it's making him gag; it is somewhat ironic that the anti-sickness drugs are making him vomit. Fiona is actually at the hospital now with him as I type this to get some pushed into his line so he feels like eating a bit more tomorrow.

All in all, his first lot of chemo wasn't too bad and he seems to be faring pretty well on it.

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