Saturday 10 November 2007

The Worst News Possible

A little over a month ago, Fiona asked me if I thought Fintan was developing a squint, I looked and I was unsure as baby's eyes often look a little squinty. However, I had noticed that his eyes sometimes jittered about rapidly. Fiona pointed out what we had noticed to Fintan's health visitor, and thankfully, she recognised the jittering as something they call nystagmus and referred Fintan to see the GP. She in turn was not happy with Fintan's eyes along with a small lump which had developed on his temple. She decided that Fintan should see a paediatrician. At this point Fiona and I were getting increasingly concerned with Fintan's eyesight so decided to make use of the private medical care I receive through work. Fintan then saw Dr. Brown at the Chiltern Hospital. Dr. Brown took a look at the lump on Fintan's temple and decided to have it X-Rayed (the results of which showed it not to be of concern), he was also not concerned with the flat shape to the back of Fintan's head which is caused by babies laying on their backs. Dr. Brown was not happy with Fintan's eyes though and decided he should see the ophthalmologist.

On Friday 2nd November, Fiona and I took Fintan to see Mr Benjamin, a consultant ophthalmologist at the Chiltern Hospital in Gt. Missenden. Both Fiona and I had thought we had prepared for the worst possible news, we had thought that perhaps Fintan was losing his sight, and that he was going blind. Mr Benjamin sat Fintan on Fiona's lap and took a look into his eyes with a special pair of goggles. It took him only a few minutes, he then looked us in the eyes and said that there was no other way to say this, but Fintan has tumours growing on his retinas.

There are no words that I can find that can describe how it feels to be told your 5 month old baby, your perfect little bundle, has cancer.


Kelly said...

I cannot begin to know how you are feeling but I want you to know that my thoughts are very much with you. You both are two of my closest and most loved friends (hoorah for meeting at Robert's Road) and if you need ANYTHING at ANYTIME, please call.
Fintan is a wonderful little star and as you say, I'm sure he will cope very bravely and well.
All of my love goes out to him today.
Thinking of you and of course sending you love too, James, Fiona, Archie and Barnaby.
Best wishes,

Angela said...

I also cannot know how you all are feeling, just reading your diary has had me in tears. I just had to let you know that my thoughts are with you and also with Fintan - he looks like a great little boy. As a fellow pianist, I see talent there!!
Best wishes and I hope everything continues to ge well.
Angela x

Unknown said...


All the Toohers in Hong Kong just want to let you know that we are thinking of you and your family and can't wait to here of the progress you are making.

Lots of Love Fergus, Helen, Aisling, Garry and Ciara & your great aunt Bridget and Uncle Frank.

John O'Brien said...

Dear Fiona,James and boys,
Menna and Michael emailed all the details today.
We are so pleased that events are taking a positive step forward. Thinking of you all
Best wishes
Uncle John,Lesley and James

Grandad O'Brien said...

"Wedding photo is a life saver"
A photograph at a family wedding saved three-year-old Sophie Ripley's life as she posed for pictures with her twin sister Molly.
Their parents looking at the pictures days later noticed Sophie's left eye had a black spot.
A specialist diagnosed retinoblastoma and Sophie from Shiregreen,Sheffield,had the eye removed in a life saving operation.
Reported in the "Daily Telegraph" today 22nd January 2008.