Monday 19 November 2007

Mummy's Boy

Fintan had a pretty good weekend, his appetite is beginning to improve and he even managed to eat (slurp!) a fair amount of puréed pear yesterday! This is far better than the rest of us managed - Barnaby brought home a nasty sickness bug, which he kindly passed onto James, Archie and then myself...........I was going to say Fintan had managed to avoid the bug, but I have just spent the afternoon at Wycombe Hospital to have him checked out as he was quite sick this morning (probably bug, not chemo side effects). They checked his blood counts, but fortunately his platelet count is high enough and he will not need a transfusion - apparently this is a perfectly normal side effect of the chemo.

I find the responsibility of caring for Fintan at home very stressful, but I wouldn't have it any other way - I feel completely lost when he is not with me. I am sure we will all get used to the new routines and unplanned hospital visits, etc, it is all just a bit new and scary at the moment. We are receiving so much help and support from our family and friends and the hospitals are only a phone call away - thank you!

This little video clip of Fintan was taken before his treatment started - I think we have a budding piano virtuoso on our hands!

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